Thursday, July 31, 2014

All about Teachers...

Here’s a big shout out to all of my teachers when I was in school, WAY back when.
Thank you for teaching me to spell. As a result I can read and learn anything that my eyes can see.
Thank you also for teaching me the fundamentals of math and science, and even making me stay late after school some days to make up things I messed up. Because of your persistence I can do simple and even complex transactions involving money. Because of you I have the basic skills to solve problems effectively and completely. There were times I hated some of what I thought were senseless exercises in geometry and algebra. But that information gave me the basics to have sense enough to figure things out on my own.
Even teachers who taught art and music also set the stage for me to have fullness in my life, as I now enjoy color and form and the sweet sound of music of all kinds.
Then there were the teachers in my church that taught me the basics of faith in a God who is my creator and provider. Teaching me about God helped me have an understanding that the whole world didn’t revolve around me but revolved around a power much higher than I and that He never changes.
Finally to my parents who taught me how to take what I had learned and take flight and helped push me out of the nest and fly on my own. My folks also taught me about passion for life and compassion for people. As a result I have the ability love people and as a result hopefully make this world a better place to live.
Love your teachers, but also learn how to be one too. Then you’ll have the capacity to carry the torch of America pride and exceptionalism to the generations after you.      

Friday, July 18, 2014

Haters. I am. Are you too?

I hate poor quality. I hate poor customer service. I hate liars and thieves. I hate having to be at work by 8 A.M. I hate Mondays. I hate that America now apologizes for exceptionalism. I hate to see our veterans get pushed aside and forgotten. I hate the media that doesn’t report the truth. I hate taxes. I hate being punished for my beliefs. I hate able bodied people who won’t work for a living. I just hate where our country has ended up and headed. On the flip side I am a lover.

I love quality products that last. I love merchants that actually like doing business with me. I love truth. I love doing the work that I do. I love each day of the week when people leave me alone and let me excel. I love the ingenuity and exceptionalism that my parents and grandparents taught me. I love the sacrifices that our veterans made for us and our freedom. I love it when journalism is not tainted and just reports what happened. I love paying my fair share of taxes that adds to and increases capitalism. I love the rewards of faith in God, who loves me and is in control. I love when I see people stand up and make it on their own financially by hard work and ingenuity. I love America and the freedoms we’ve enjoyed for at least 238 years. I love my wife and my family. I love my life.
So in the end I am more of an optimist and a lover than I am a pessimist and hater. You know, the true haters are the ones who take truth and twist it into a lie.