I've been remiss in my writing and posting lately. Many different things jockey for our time. Most of them are worthy things that occupy my time. But there should always be a time to stop and think and reflect and record what's going on.
I've met a ton of people in my life. Growing up I was not as outgoing as you'd think I might have been if you know me now. I guess I had the complex of being the heavy kid. And heavy or fat kids don't get the greatest of respect at times. So the tendency is to take the back seat and stay in the background as the rest of the pack excels in relationships and life in general can be the norm. Yet even us fat kids were quietly building our lives, even if nobody even realized or cared.
Fast forward to now and I think I'm pretty self assured, even though I am still the "big" guy in pack. As I've aged I've decided that it doesn't matter what I look like or how fat I might be. I've decided to be a friend even those I might not know. Doesn't always work out, but I try and find things in others to talk to them about and find out details of their lives and the things that makes them tick. I've found that I find joy in learning of other's experiences. I try and encourage others on their journey. Life is fleeting and we don't have a ton of time to live our lives to the full.
I get reflective at times. For some reason the changing of the seasons has a tendency to fuel thoughts. As the natural order of the plant world changes from life to death to life again, so our lives take on the same form. Spring has not sprung and death has become alive again. Former living things that were brown and wilted and gone are now sprouting forth with tender and green vegetation. the air is full of fresh air as the plants take a poison gas and turn it into life giving air for the human kind.
Go and enjoy and soak up God's creation and be thankful for new life. It is all around us this time of year!